Our History

The IoIC started its life as the British Association of Industrial Editors in 1949

Britain emerged from the Second World War a changed nation on many fronts.  The country was left with a huge re-building requirement and rationing that would extend for many years.  
There were a number of major companies that provided newsletters/magazines – then called “house journals” for their (largely) blue-collar workforce, and many of these did not reach very professional standards.      
The founders quickly realised that a more modern approach to industrial editing was needed, and this was emphasised early in 1949 when an in-depth analysis of 115 house magazines was carried out with many being described as “cheerfully amateur”. 

On 12 March 1949, 51 founder members got together at the National Cash Registers offices in London to form the British Association of Industrial Editors, which was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee with no share capital with the purpose to raise the profile and professionalism of their industry.

Sixty years after the Association had been formed, internal communication was finally emerging from the shadows as a modern, robust and necessary business function.  

On  September 23rd  2009 an Extraordinary General Meeting was held  to consider the Special Resolution:  That the name of the company be changed to the Institute of Internal Communication with effect from 6.00pm on Thursday 13th May 2010. 

Our purpose has the remained the same, and it as powerful today as it was over 70 years ago, as by communicating effectively we will not only improve organisations but create better working lives because #WeMatterAtWork.

Unlocking 75 Years of Excellence

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Celebrating 75 years anniversary