Future of Internal Communication

Multiple trends are reshaping how people share purpose, information and knowledge at work. The future of work will transform internal communication. As organisations reconsider how they operate, we’re dedicated to helping members successfully navigate the future of their profession.

Technology, the climate crisis, resource depletion and shifting demographics - each trend will seismically change how we work.

Key meta-trends demand an entire rethink of how we structure our organisations. Wholesale business transformation inevitably has huge bearing on how we meaningfully communicate with one another to deliver stakeholder value.

Digital technology drives efficiency but it’s the art of creativity, collaboration, community-organising and conversation that will solve the complex social, economic and environmental challenges of our times.

Inclusive internal communication already sits at the heart of organisational success.

Our resources are produced to help members harness the opportunities that present.   

Creating sustainable futures report

Our latest report, Creating Sustainable Futures for Internal Communicators, explores developments in technology, sustainability, employment and people’s expectations of work.

Find out more

Reports and Thought Leadership

AI Survey Analysis

IC and AI Survey Report

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New approaches to workforce optimisation

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Internal communication in the age of agile working

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Retaining critical knowledge

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The critical importance of feedback loops in the future of work

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The Crucial Role of Leadership Communication

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The irrefutable link between communication and wellbeing

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Future of Work Trends Report 2022

Explore the Knowledge Hub


AI and the future of internal communication

AI and Future of Internal Communication

Artificial intelligence is creating opportunities for internal communication but also risks. How do we leverage the benefits of AI while upholding professional integrity and consider the moral & ethical implications. We explore these questions in our latest white paper.



We recognise how organisational sustainability is essential during a time of unprecedented risk.

IC Index 2024

IC Index

The IC Index 2024 has arrived. We now share the latest IC Index with actionable insights to help you improve internal communication and build trust.


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