IoIC 75 years

Celebrating 75 Years of #We Matter At Work

Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence and Innovation in Internal Communication: Join us in 2024 as we honour our rich heritage and explore future trends. Discover how we're embracing technology, championing sustainability, and focusing on people and employment to shape a brighter future for IC professionals today and tomorrow. Be a part of our journey as we continue to lead the way in internal communication excellence.


Our History

On 12 March 2024, we celebrate our 75th anniversary with the grand unveiling of our historical timeline. This momentous occasion will not only commemorate our journey but also showcase the milestones that have shaped our story. Join us in this celebration of our shared heritage and achievements.  


Take part in the Big Question for Internal Communicators in 2024 Take part in the Big Question for Internal Communicators in 2024

Throughout the year, we're posting The Big Question to our community, seeking your insights and perspectives. As the year concludes, we'll create a detailed report featuring all the key highlights and insights gathered. This comprehensive summary will be shared with you, showcasing the collective wisdom and foresight of our community.


Celebrating 75 years of IoIC Podcast

In this episode, Jen, Dominic, Cat are joined by Professor Michael Heller and Dr Joe Chick to discuss the institutional history of internal communication. They recap the progress of their research project and share their discoveries from archival research.

Listen now


The evolution of internal communication

Nineteenth-Century Origins
Communication in the First and Second World Wars
Communication Developments in the Pre-Digital Age
Internal Communication in the Digital Era
A Journey into the Future


The evolution of internal communication



Creating Sustainable Futures Report

Our latest report, Creating Sustainable Futures for Internal Communicators, explores developments in technology, sustainability, employment and people’s expectations of work.

Find out more

Unlocking 75 Years of Excellence

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Celebrating 75 years anniversary

Explore the Knowledge Hub