How Storytelling and Narratives can Reinvent your Internal Communications (a webinar run by Staffbase)

How Storytelling and Narratives can Reinvent your Internal Communications (a webinar run by Staffbase)

Join Staffbase for a webinar diving deep into the art of narratives, storytelling, and their profound impact on business communication. They'll be exploring the nuances of crafting compelling stories and how successful business leaders leverage narratives to navigate challenges, crises, and even turn setbacks into triumphs.


  • Brain Tomlinson - Head of Content
  • Lottie Bazley - Senior Internal Communications Consultant
  • Frank Wolf - Co-Founder & SEO

Agenda items include:

The Art of Effective Storytelling

  • Uncover the elements that make a story memorable and engaging.
  • Learn how to make your messages more effective through storytelling.
  • Extract insights from the world's best storytellers.

How to Stop Your CEO Saying Stupid Stuff in Public

  • Analyze a case where a CEO's speech cost a company £500M.
  • Understand the power of empathetic communication in times of crisis.
  • Gain practical tips to ensure your leaders communicate effectively.

The Art of Coming Back from Embarrassment

  • Explore strategies for businesses to react to mistakes.
  • Learn how good leaders respond to employee mishaps.
  • Understand the importance of owning mistakes and turning them into opportunities for growth.

Special Guest: Frank - Insights from Franks upcoming book release (later this year)

  • Frank joins us to share key findings and expertise from his book.
  • Gain valuable insights into the human side of businesses and business leaders.


Improve your storytelling skills: Acquire practical storytelling techniques to make your messages resonateCrisis Management Skills: Learn the power of empathetic communication in handling challenging situations, and understand how effective leaders navigate public mishaps and own up to mistakes.Learn the Power of the Narrative: What's the difference between storytelling & narratives, and why are they so powerful?