Sustainability Board Briefings with Verity London

Sustainability Board Briefings with Verity London

Verity London's work with clients and their sector-specific Mastermind groups focuses on the key sustainability challenges facing organisations today.  

Recently, they've been hearing more about the Board knowledge gap - and how this can mean sustainability drops down the agenda and causes decision making stagnation.  

This is something they support daily through our work with clients.  But they've also decided to do something to directly address it.

So, Verity London launched, ‘Board Briefings’.  These are one hour in person or online deep dive sessions for your Board, covering key environmental and social issues.  

They will strengthen knowledge, understanding and broader world context in key areas of sustainability and responsible business in a very time-efficient way.

Topics to choose from include:

💡Sustainability Fundamentals
💡Fit for the Future (on the role of leadership and governance)
💡Nature and Biodiversity
💡Decarbonisation and achieving net zero
💡Human Rights
💡Ethical supply chain

Boards need to actively engage with sustainability issues. It’s crucial for long-term business success; for the wellbeing of people and planet; and to make a positive difference with the evolving complex environmental, social, and governance factors that can significantly impact a company's operations, reputation, and bottom line. 

However -  without foundational knowledge, Boards are in danger of overlooking key material risks and opportunities, leaving the organisation vulnerable to financial losses, non-regulatory compliance and reputational damage. 
🔷 Only 7% of Board Directors have a formal ESG credential (The Sustainability Board)
🔷 53% of Boards have insufficient ESG competence to challenge management (BCG Insead)
🔷 68% of CEOs say their current ESG progress isn’t strong enough to withstand scrutiny (KPMG)

Check out Board Briefings -  delivering critical insight, information and engagement for your Board, with dates across May and September