Discovering My True Calling: A Journey into Internal Communications by Gemma Woolley

As part of our #IChoseIC Series, Gemma Woolley shares how glad she is to have chosen Internal Comms as a profession.

28 Jun 2024
Gemma Woolley

Like many others, I hadn’t heard of careers in Internal Communications when I was at school, nor when I was making decisions on what I wanted to do in the future. I left school and went straight into full-time work, studying for a degree in English Language and Literature simultaneously. I spent the next 14 years at the same company in a variety of roles, loving the people and the experience, but never really finding a role that I felt truly suited me. 

Two years ago, realising there was a gap in communication in the Business Unit (BU) I was working in, I approached our global Head of Internal Communications and asked whether I could help with targeted communications within my area of the company. I created a business case and presented it first to the VP of HR, then the President of the BU, and pleaded my case. With no experience but an abundance of ideas and drive, I took on the role of Internal Communications Lead for the BU in addition to my usual role.

I felt like I had found what I was meant to be doing, and soon wanted to focus all of my time on internal comms, so when a role in the Global Communications Team became available, I jumped at the chance to apply. Though I had no formal qualifications, the Head of Internal Communications took a chance on me and I haven’t looked back.

I recently completed the IoIC Foundation Diploma (which I highly recommend if you’re just starting out in internal comms) and I start the Advanced Diploma later this year. One thing I have learnt is you never stop learning! The world is constantly changing and there is always something new to explore. Whether that’s something like the rise of hybrid and remote working or the introduction of new communication channels, we never stand still.

I chose IC and I’m so glad I did. Every day is different and I love working in a role that I’m truly passionate about.

Find out more about #IChoseIC Campaign and how to get involved here.