Navigating the delicate balance between professional duties and personal values is an occasional challenge for internal communication professionals. We asked four experts how they handle situations when asked to communicate something they aren't fully on board with...
Discover a fresh approach to internal communication that fosters emotional engagement by sharing "beasts"—those embarrassing or unlucky moments we later laugh about. Learn how embracing vulnerability through humour can strengthen connections, boost creativity and create a more authentic, inclusive work culture.
Join Jen, Dom, and Cat as they chat with Beatrice Ngalula Kabutakapua, a professional storyteller, about the incredible power of storytelling in navigating profound change. Discover how this timeless technique can transform communication during challenging times!
The 2024 IC Index reveals only 69% feel their employer has been clear on what their business strategy is. But understanding the strategy and, more importantly, knowing how to personally contribute towards it, is integral to building trust at work.
From journalism to strategic communications, Joe McMann’s career journey has brought him to his latest destination: EMEA director of internal and executive communications at Marriott. Here, he tells us how he is supporting a diverse, dispersed workforce and embracing innovative channels to foster employee engagement.
Enhance your organisational storytelling with this online lunchtime workshop, run by the History of Internal Communication, an ESRC-funded project based at Northumbria University that began in 2022.
Alex Graves, chief visionary officer from Silicon Reef, provides insights on leveraging tools such as Microsoft Viva to ensure inclusive and effective communication with frontline workers.
Deborah Hulme, founder of Minerva Engagement and trainer of a two-part neuroscience masterclass for IoIC, explains how IC professionals can better communicate to effectively support the brain to understand and retain information.
Cancer Research UK employs 4,000 people with a diverse range of backgrounds. By sharing their stories, the Valuing Difference campaign aims to reflect this diversity as part of the charity’s EDI strategy.