Roisin Reilly - Masters in Internal Communication Management Student Experience

Roisin, Engagement & Management of Change at HPE shares her experience as a student of the Masters in Internal Communication Management

03 Aug 2023
by Roisin Reilly

How would you summarise your overall experience of studying the Masters in Internal Communication Management?

Fun, challenging, stressful, illuminating, an adventure!

What are some of the most valuable skills or knowledge you gained during your studies in the Masters programme?

Research, critical thinking, and strategic thinking.

What would you say to someone considering the Masters? What advice would you give? 

Make sure you prioritise your learning and your mental health. You will need a good support system to help you balance your work commitments and your home commitments.

In what ways has obtaining the Masters qualification impacted your approach to work?

It has given me the confidence to strive for better, and to advocate for myself and my career.